When we serve each other, we serve the Lord.
St. Luke's serves in many ways. We hold an annual Lasagna Dinner, run a food pantry, reach out to UNI students at Threehouse, serve at Catholic Worker's House, at 5th Tuesday Community Meals and help with the Cedar AIDS Support System. We look to find more ways to serve each other and our community.

Friendsgiving Potluck
At our annual Friendsgiving potluck, we gathered together with friends to share a delicious meal. Afterwards, we became tied together in community while making 16 tie blankets! These blankets will be donated to support families at the Friends of the Family Domestic Violence shelter!

Our Neighbor-to-Neighbor Pantry is consistently running low on canned goods. You are asked to bring canned goods to help fill the shelves for our neighbors in need. All types of food are needed - vegetables, fruits, soups, meats, chicken, tuna. In addition, donations of paper goods - toilet paper, towels, napkins - and personal hygiene items - toothpaste & brushes, deodorant, shampoo, soap, feminine products - are also very much appreciated.
Please place your donations in the baskets in the narthex.
Our food pantry serves people in need of food, toiletries, and more.
We are open on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30.